The 3 Common Barriers To Personal Growth.
What’s the big deal about personal development and growth? Why do we bother in the first place? A man believed to be the world’s most perfectly developed man, Charles Atlas said, and I quote, “Trust, SUCCESS is but the development of self,”
It’s easy to dismiss personal development as “optional,” and few people actively take the time to improve themselves.
Personal development and growth are the most important things you can do with your time.
The point of being here is to realize your true potential. In many ways, your actions are geared toward ‘self-improvement.’ You do everything with good intentions.
This, however, is mostly unconscious, and most people pursue ‘things’ and ‘stuff’ with the (all too common) assumption that they will be happy when they have enough stuff.
You need not look far to see how incorrect this theory is. Every day, we hear of “extremely successful” people who end up in rehabilitation centres or commit suicide.
Why? Considering Charles Atlas, true success is nothing more than the development of yourself. There is no point in your life that you can say, “Now that I’m successful, I think I’ll take the next ten years off.” Unfortunately, this is ‘the dream’ for which so many people strive
Personal development is the key to a lifetime of happiness. True and lasting fulfilment comes from consistently improving your life’s quality.
Life is dynamic, and it must continue to move. Everything that does not grow dies, just like in nature! You will either increase or die and while you are unlikely to die physically, you will almost certainly die psychologically.
Depression is just one of the consequences of failing to grow. You will feel as if you are dying if you fail.
Our daily lives present us with chances to develop. They are frequently presented as issues, and sadly, most people curse them rather than recognize the fantastic opportunities they offer.
Don’t wish for fewer problems, Earl Schoff once advised. I hope you are feeling better.
Herein lies the opportunity for personal growth, which you must pursue consciously and actively.
Why do people fail to take a proactive role in their personal development?
Well, some obstacles to personal growth stop them from actively moving forward in any area of their lives. The crucial phrase is “actively.”

The three biggest obstacles to personal development are three interconnected behaviours that tend to paralyze and lock us up in inaction. The outcome is the ability to progress with our lives.
Personal Growth Barrier #1: Procrastination.
The unreasonable delay of tasks, essential ones, is known as procrastination. You may consciously desire a specific outcome and be aware of the best course of action, but you still feel paralyzed.
What keeps you where you are in your inaction? You are most likely delaying what you MUST do because doing so will help you improve your ability to act quickly and without hesitation.
Remember that you only put off tasks that you value and that, in some way, you know will benefit you.
Personal Growth Barrier #2: Indecision.
A decision comes before every action. Every action has a decision as its predecessor, and failure to act can be attributed to poor decision-making. Ironically, not making a decision is also a decision. It would be best if you got rid of indecision from your life like you would a disease.
Since you can’t fail if you don’t make a decision, indecision is simply the result of a failure-related fear. Recognize that nothing in the future has occurred thus far and that delaying a decision out of fear of the worst scenario is almost certainly a recipe for failure.
You won’t take action if you don’t make the decisions, so you’ll remain immobile.
Personal Growth Barrier #3: Comfort Zones.
Comfort zones are all the things you are overly accustomed to, quite often to the point where you never even try something new.
In your comfort zones, everything is familiar, and you feel confident that you can solve all problems that come your way because you’ve done it before. You feel “at ease.”
Leaving your comfort zone challenges both your perceptions and your beliefs.
However, stepping outside your comfort zones forces you to develop because you need to do so to feel at ease outside your old comfort zone.
Most of your restrictions are self-imposed and determined by your perceptions of what you can and cannot do, what you like and dislike, and what is right and wrong.
To keep moving forward and from becoming stuck in your comfort zones, you must continually stretch your “self” on all levels, including physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
All obstacles are simply that—obstacles. The fact that the typical vehicle barriers at border checkpoints are so “flimsy” always surprises me.
They hardly ever manage to stop bicycles, but they can halt large sixteen-wheelers.
More psychological than physical obstacles exist.
The obstacles to your personal growth are the same. They can stop you, but they can’t keep you unless you let them. Thank them, then go about your business.
Personal development is a decision and an active process. You must continually develop and broaden your “self” for the best self-improvement journey.
More psychological than physical obstacles exist.
The obstacles to your personal growth are the same. They can stop you but can’t keep you unless you let them. Simply thank them, then go about your business.
Personal development is a decision and an active process. You must continually develop and broaden your “self” for the best self-improvement journey.