Is your Emotion part of your self-improvement tool? This article will examine the emotional part of self improvement, what it is, and how it is used.
The phrase “thoughts become things” is prevalent and familiar, and that is true in a manner of speaking.
However, the more precise way to explain that concept would be to say: thoughts become emotions.
It is imperative at this point to define what it is.
What is an Emotion?
According to Collings Dictionary, an emotion is a Feeling such as happiness, love, fear, wrath, or hatred caused by your surroundings or the people you are with.
There is no single answer to what emotion is. Different people will see emotion in different ways. Some people see it as a feeling, while others might see it as an action or a state of mind.
Some people might see it as something always present, while others might see it as something that can fluctuate over time. Ultimately, what matters is that everyone understands what emotion is.
Understanding Emotions.
This is the key to coping with difficult situations and emotional self-improvement, and they consist of these three key components to understanding emotion:
- Emotion is an automatic response to a trigger.
- Emotion is governed by a set of emotions that are constantly in flux.
- Emotion is expressed through facial expressions, tone of voice, and bodily movements.
Six Basics Of Emotion
The six basics are widely accepted as sadness, happiness, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise. They are considered universal and experienced by all humans. Emotions are a crucial aspect of human behavior and can significantly impact our actions and thoughts. Understanding and managing these basics are essential for personal growth and self-improvement.
The six basics mentioned above can significantly impact our behavior and decision-making. Here are some ways in which these emotions can affect our behavior and decision-making:
1. Sadness: Sadness can lead to decreased motivation and energy, making it difficult to engage in activities or make decisions. It can also lead to a negative outlook and a lack of interest in socializing.
2. Happiness: Happiness can lead to positive behavior and decision-making. It can increase motivation and energy, leading to a more productive and fulfilling life. It can also lead to a positive outlook and a desire to socialize and build relationships.
3. Fear: Fear can lead to avoidance behavior and decision-making. It can cause individuals to avoid situations they perceive as dangerous or threatening, even if those situations may benefit them.
4. Anger: Anger can lead to impulsive behavior and decision-making. It can cause individuals to act out of frustration or aggression, leading to negative consequences.
5. Disgust: Disgust can lead to avoidance behaviour and poor decision-making. It can cause individuals to avoid situations or people they find repulsive or unpleasant, even if those situations or people may benefit them.
6. Surprise: Surprise can lead to various behaviours and decisions, depending on the context. It can cause individuals to react quickly and impulsively or lead to a more thoughtful and deliberate response.
Emotions, in turn, power the machine of your existence, which generates the things your think. The idea that it should be considered is demonstrated by recalling any time in your life when you thought long and hard about having or doing something. Still, those thoughts have yet to materialize into whatever you were thinking. Many people, for example, fantasize about having enough money to enjoy specific material items or experiences.
Power Of Emotions In Self Improvement.
Almost everyone thinks about losing weight, getting in shape, or improving their general health.
Most people also spend much time contemplating satisfying romantic or other social connections.
However, despite the tremendous amount of thinking devoted to some or all of those things, we frequently need to achieve the desired achievement in those areas. This is because we lack the necessary emotional attachment to what we desire to bring into our lives.
More isn’t always better when thinking about what we desire because emotionless thoughts have no real power, no matter how many times we believe them.
A continuous thought about something that generates a favorable emotional response from you, on the other hand, eventually brings that thing into your life in most cases.
To demonstrate this concept, recall any job interview, health improvement program, date, or other social situation in which you felt particularly optimistic and confident.
In the majority, if not all, of those cases, one of two things occurred:
1. You obtained or enjoyed the experience of whatever it was that you were enthusiastic about,
2. Self-improvement after the fact that you didn’t want it after all.

Effect of Emotion on Self-improvement
By feeling positive and confident about achieving anything, you put yourself in control of the outcome instead of feeling powerless to achieve what you want out of any given situation.
However, while contemplating whether or not you feel happy and confident about doing something, you must be honest with yourself. Strongly seeking something does not imply being optimistic or satisfied about obtaining it.
Everyone desires financial, physical, or social success, but believing we will achieve it is another story.
The distinction between giving a lot of thought to something and giving a lot of consideration to anything determines whether or not we achieve it.
High-quality thinking about something generates a consistent favorable emotional response concerning that thing. These thoughts provide the hope that you will achieve whatever you think about sooner or later.
Compare that to most people’s beliefs about achieving their goals. You will notice that many people’s dreams evoke negative, disempowering emotional responses, such as doubt, dread, uncertainty, concern, lack of confidence, and so on.
Hardly in history has anything significant been accomplished by someone worried about whether or not it will happen. Disempowering thoughts, such as fear, rarely produce positive outcomes.
That is not to imply that fear or similar feelings aren’t a part of the process; they frequently are.
However, they are only utilized to boost the person’s confidence and belief level because squashing disempowering feelings causes us to feel powerful! If you’ve ever faced fear, you know how accurate this is.
The bottom-line solution to leveraging the power of your emotions as fuel for self-improvement is being aware of how you feel about something you want to achieve.
Suppose the prospect of improving your finances, health, social life, or any other aspect makes you feel different than optimistic and confident. In that case, you must accept that you have mental blockages to overcome before you can succeed in that area.
Those impediments can subsequently be removed by engaging in whichever activity relieves those negative feelings. This could be learning what it takes to achieve your goal, practicing affirmations or visualizations, researching the subject, hiring an expert to assist you, or even something as easy as stating the disempowering idea to yourself.
Once the hidden things in our subconscious are brought into the light, they are often seen to have very little power over us, if any at all. Push out your negative, disempowering beliefs by being 100% truthful about how you feel about something you want to attain.
Take away:
Once you recognize whatever is responsible for your negative feelings, drag it into the light kicking and screaming, neutralize it, and you will be left with pleasant and confident feelings. Then you will do precisely that!
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